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Tecnoesis 2018: Annual Techno-Management Fest of NIT Silchar. Website hits : 25,000+ page-views, 9,000+ sessions. Minimum Alexa Rank reached ≈ 14,200 (India)
Constructed a structured heterogeneous text corpus graph to transform text classification problem into a node classification problem. Created semantic rich features by using Text GCN and topic modeling based approach-LDA which are then fed into a deep classification model employing skip connections.
Used BERT embeddings on LIAR dataset for multi-class classification to achieve state-of-the-art results.
Reinforcement Learning Project CS6700. Designing the required function to compute complex operations using matrix manipulation.
Calculation of Patient Similarity based on Patient Demographic and Case Details extracted from XML annotations, Electronic Health Record (EHR)
A movie recommender system, which asks a user to rate a small set of movies and based on these ratings, suggests more movies which will suit their taste.
Task: To Design A Sentence Completion System. T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) was employed in this model based on the research paper Visualizing and Understanding Neural Models in NLP.
This repository provides an insight into ventures of framing an intelligent Command line interface (CLI) for UNIX Based Systems.
Data Analysis of the Kaggle 2017 Survey. Presented on the topic, What is the best approach to become a Data Scientist in Data Strata 1.0 held during Tecnoesis 2018.